
Friday, March 19, 2010

{spring cleaning}

This last week I decided to do some spring cleaning and realized I need to be more organized. I love my house to be clean and put together, but as everyone knows life gets crazy and your house can get messy. Doesn't everyone wish they had a closet like this one, aside from being gigantic and beautiful, wouldn't it be nice to have things this organized. Here are some tips I thought I would share from and article on UnClutterer about how to easily de-clutter everyday!
Don't go to bed with a sink full of dishes.

Set a Timer. for 5 to 15 minutes and choose one area to de-clutter, a drawer, a closet, the fridge. Just go for it.

Sort the Mail Immediately. Instead of piling up the mail to deal with later, sort it as soon as you take it out of the mailbox.

File Immediately Instead of keeping a bunch of 'to file later' papers that will drive you crazy. Put hanging files within reach so it's just as easy to slip each paper into its file as to pile it up.

Make the Bed. When you make the bed every day you resist the urge to pile the nightstands with glasses of water, throw your clothes on the bed and then on the floor before sleeping, etc. Plus making the bed energizes you in the morning. Things feel clean and organized and ready to go!


Erin said...

I live in a fraternity house. Thanks a lot. Asshole.

LORI said...

Amazing how much clearer your mind is for the day if things are in their place. Thanks for helping me file today